Contact Lens Exams & Fittings In Peoria

Comfort & Convenience

Contacts provide unparalleled convenience when it comes to corrective lenses. There are many reasons to make the switch from glasses to these handy medical devices instead.

If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, you won’t have to worry about glasses fogging up or getting splattered with raindrops on your next hike. During contact sports, there’s no need for concern about broken frames or lenses.

And for fashionistas, you can easily don your spectacles to make a statement when necessary or go glasses-free for the day instead.

Whatever the reason you want to try contact lenses, you’ll need to make sure they’re comfortable as well as convenient. The best way to do that is by selecting an experienced optometrist. At The Bixby Eye Center, our team has the knowledge and skills needed to ensure your contacts fit just right.

Please request an appointment for a contact lens exam and fitting today.

Providing A Precise Fit

Contact lenses are a medical device, so you’ll need a proper prescription and a precise fit to wear them comfortably. Making the switch to contact lenses means getting a special contact lens exam and fitting.

A contact lens exam is very similar to a comprehensive eye exam but with a few extra steps. You will be asked questions about your lifestyle and day-to-day activities to help determine what type of lens is best for your eyes.

We’ll also measure your corneal curvature to determine the proper size and curve of the contact lens. The wrong size or wrong curvature could result in damage to the eye, so it’s imperative you receive a precise fit.

We use corneal topography to see the details of your cornea’s surface characteristics. This information helps us decide what lenses may provide the clearest, most comfortable vision.

Your vision is too important to take a guess at your best fit. See the professionals at The Bixby Eye Center for a proper contact lens exam and fitting today.

Types Of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses have come a long way in the last few decades. Wearers now experience an abundance of choice. Whatever your lifestyle or needs, there’s an option for you:

Soft Contact Lenses

Soft contact lenses are made from soft, flexible materials and allow plenty of oxygen to reach the cornea. They are generally comfortable and well-tolerated by most. Soft contact lenses are among the most commonly prescribed lens types.

Rigid Gas-Permeable Contact Lenses

These durable lenses are resistant to the buildup of deposits and offer clear, crisp vision. Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses might take some getting used to, particularly if you switch from soft contact lenses.

They may be good for those with dry eyes as they provide more opportunity for oxygen to reach the cornea.

Scleral Contact Lenses

People with irregular corneas who may have been told they can’t wear contacts are often good candidates for scleral lenses. These lenses are larger than traditional lenses and vault over the cornea, sitting on the sclera (the white part of your eye).

Their shape creates a fluid reservoir, making them a good option for those with extremely dry eyes who otherwise could not tolerate contact lenses.

Convenience Requires Care

Contact lenses are definitely convenient, but they require special care to ensure your eyes stay healthy. While you should always follow the advice of your optometrist, here are some general guidelines for contact lens care:

  • Wash your hands before touching your eyes or lenses
  • Do not sleep in daily wear lenses
  • Avoid showering or using the hot tub while wearing lenses
  • Do not use saliva to clean or moisten contacts
  • Tap water is not a suitable cleaning liquid for lenses
  • Do not use homemade saline solution for cleaning your contacts
  • Follow your optometrist’s schedule for replacing your lenses
  • Have an annual, comprehensive eye exam

Go Glasses-Free

Once you’ve decided you’d like to try contact lenses, please request an appointment for an exam and fitting at The Bixby Eye Center, and go glasses-free today!

Our Location

Our Address

6807 N. Knoxville Ave.
Peoria, IL 61614

Contact Information

Phone: 309-692-0000
Fax: 309-692-8082

8 AM -5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 5 PM
8 AM - 12 PM*

*Once per month, call for details

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